7 Levels of Energy and You

Two day online Workshop


They are based on your level of consciousness and awareness of who you are, your beliefs of what life is about and how engaged you are in it. 

Come and learn what level of energy are you showing up in most often and then decide what level you want to start showing up in?

The following feelings are common examples for each level. 
Level 1 ~ guilt & fear, Level 2 ~ judgment & anger, Level 3 ~ relief & forgiveness, Level 4 ~ gratitude & compassion, Level 5 ~ courage & confidence, Level 6 ~ joy & wisdom and Level 7 ~ absolute passion & fearlessness. 

Come join us for this eye-opening workshop where you will develop:

  • a deeper understanding of what drives your thoughts, feelings and associated actions at each level so you can choose your best response.
  • the ability to recognize and change the habits and patterns that no longer benefit you.
  • more awareness of who you are, how you act and how negative energy is impacting your ability to make positive sustainable changes in your life.
  • the ability to respond, not react, to the stressors in your life so you can achieve more successful results.

Cost includes taking the on-line Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI).  You will get your individual ELI results prior to the workshop so you can apply the information specifically to meet your needs.

Cost of the workshop is $*

* Register before Date, you will only pay $

Refund policy: If you cancel after registering $60.00 of your purchase price will not be refunded.  This is to cover the cost of the ELI assessment that I have already purchased for you.